Academic year 2023 - class X and XII results

Out of the 459 students who appeared for SSC Board Examination, 318 secured Distinctions, 125 first Class and 14 Second class.


Academic year 2023 - class XII results in the Science stream

Out of 250 students, 48 secured Distinction, 120 First Class and 78 Second class and 4 Pass class.


Academic year 2023 - class XII results in the Commerce stream

Out of 139 students who appeared, 74 secured distinction, 58 First class and 7 secured Second class respectively.


Gold medal at the District level Hammer throw

Master Raj Shinde of Class XI won Gold medal at the District level Hammer throw and is qualified for State level.


Gold medal at the District level Boxing and Wushu

Master Prathmesh Kanse of Class XII won Gold medal at the District level Boxing and Wushu competitions.


Gold medal at State Level Wushu Championship

Kumari Asmi Dinesh Sawant , class VI bagged Gold medal at State Level Wushu Championship.


State Level Qualification in Soft Tennis

Kumari Shreya Parthe of class IX played Soft Tennis for the Mumbai Division and will be qualified for the State level.


Gold medal at the District level Taekwondo competition

Master Sai Chavan of Class IV won Gold medal at the District level Taekwondo competition.


Upcoming Chess champion from the Pre- Primary section

Swara Sagar Khatavkar, currently studying in Sr. Kg. from the Pre- Primary section is an upcoming Chess champion.


Quiz competition Second prize at the state level

Bharat Ko Jano, a quiz competition organized by Bharat Vikas Parishad, Geetesh Ramesh Saharkar and Shlok Supen Sawant bagged the Second prize at the state level.


Gold medal of Excellence in the IEO exam

Kshirsagar Apurva of Std. XII had performed exceptionally well in the IEO exam conducted by the Science Olympiad Foundation. She bagged the Gold medal of Excellence and was selected for second level examination.


First, Second and Third prize in a plethora of competitions

Hunar 2023-24 was conducted by Bharatiya vidyapeeth Belapur wherein our students of Std. XII and Std X won the First, Second and Third prize in a plethora of competitions like solo dance, solo singing, non-fire cooking.


The foundation stone of our new school and Junior college building was placed

On November 27th, 2023 the foundation stone of our new school and Junior college building was blessed by His Holiness Moran Mar Baselios ,Mar Thoma Mathew III catholicose of the East.


Second price for the project

St. Mary’s bagged the second prize under the Junior category for the project – Environment Friendly Fuels and Transportation.


International Yoga Day Celebrated

International Yoga Day was celebrated on 21st June 2023 where the students of the School and Junior college were made to practice Yoga Asanas.


Hindi Diwas Celebration

Hindi Diwas was conducted on 15th September 2023.


Independence Day Celebration

77th Independence Day was celebrated on 15th August 2023 with the performance of the students.


Swacch Bharat Rally students participation

On September 17th, teachers and students from Std. VIII to X participated in Swacch Bharat Rally organized by NMMC.


Founders Day Celebration

Founders Day was celebrated on September 28th 2023 in fond memory of our Founder Manager Late Lamented His Grace Dr. Philipose Mar Theophilus Metropolitan.


Enthusia 2023, School & College Fest was conducted

Enthusia 2023, School & College Fest was conducted for the students wherein students were given opportunity to showcase their talents and creativity in various competitions.


Christmas celebration

Christmas was celebrated with great merriment in the school premises on 23rdDecember, particularly the Pre-primary.


Anand Mela organized

Anand Mela – A great event organized by the ex-students of the alumni organization to come back to their Alma Mater. Students of Std VIII had put up stalls to foster the meeting of the ex-students and the teachers.


A working model of Chandrayaan prepared by Std XI students was showcased at the Inaugural ceremony of ENIGMA 23.

ENIGMA 23, the interschool Science Exhibition was conducted on 2nd December 2023 in which 17 schools from Navi-Mumbai participated. Std XI students had prepared a working model of Chandrayaan which was showcased at the Inaugural ceremony.


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